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Leaving Feedback

A seller’s feedback is based on the comments and ratings left by customers who have bought from a particular Marketplace seller. Over the course of time a Marketplace seller develops a feedback rating, showing how previous customers rated their service. We encourage buyers to compare sellers’ feedback ratings as an important part of choosing who to buy from.

To leave feedback for completed orders, as a buyer, you will have to login to your account and select ‘Leave Seller Feedback’.

Note: It’s important that you contact sellers to resolve any problems before leaving feedback as this often cannot be changed. As with any shop, occasionally something can go wrong with a customer order. The majority of problems can be resolved quickly by talking to the customer. We also provide a set of tools within your seller account that allow you to issue refunds, respond to customers, and confirm dispatch of the products, basically all of the tools you need to see the sale through from start to finish.
