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Country Value Radish Sparkler 3 Seeds Assorted Pack of Average 500 Seeds

  • £4.70 + Free delivery

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Product Description

Introducing the Country Value Radish Sparkler 3 Seeds Pack, a delightful addition to any garden or vegetable patch. Each pack contains an average of 500 seeds, ensuring a bountiful harvest of these delicious radishes. The Country Value Radish Sparkler is renowned for its clear white flesh, which offers a crispy, crunchy texture and a mild, refreshing flavor. Whether enjoyed fresh in salads, pickled, or added to a variety of dishes, these radishes are sure to elevate your culinary creations with their distinct taste and texture. When it comes to cultivation, the Country Value Radish Sparkler thrives in rich, well-drained soil. It prefers soil that has not been recently manured, making it an excellent choice for gardeners seeking a low-maintenance yet rewarding crop. With the right care and attention, these radishes will flourish, providing a generous yield of high-quality produce. Perfect for gardeners of all skill levels, the Country Value Radish Sparkler 3 Seeds Pack is an ideal choice for those looking to grow their own fresh, flavorful radishes at home. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these seeds offer the opportunity to cultivate a versatile and delicious vegetable that will enhance your culinary endeavors. Experience the satisfaction of growing your own radishes with the Country Value Radish Sparkler 3 Seeds Pack. From the first tender shoots to the crisp, juicy radishes that emerge, this pack offers the promise of a rewarding and enjoyable gardening experience. Add a touch of freshness and flavor to your garden with these exceptional radish seeds.

Key Features

Crisp, White Flesh - The radish has clear white flesh with a crispy, crunchy texture and a mild flavor Nutrient Punch - It is high in vitamin C and offers an excellent flavor, making it a great choice for both gardeners and chefs Planting Instructions - The radish is easy to grow and can be sown directly outdoors. It is best when sown in spring or late summer, and small amounts can be planted 5 to 7 days apart for a steady supply Soil Preference - The radish prefers loose, well-drained soil to allow the roots to expand easily. It is important to prepare the soil by clearing the area of rocks, trash, and large sticks, and spading the soil 8-12 inches deep Health Benefits - Radishes are a very healthy vegetable, containing various vitamins and minerals including vitamins A, B3, B5, B6, B9, B11, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and sodium. They are also low in calories but high in fiber.

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Technical Details

Boxed-Product Weight: 8.00g

Quick Code: QCHO18808735

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