Why Pinterest Should Be Every Businesss Best Friend


Edwina / Published on March 6, 2013

With usage of smartphones booming, it’s no surprise that social media platforms are getting a bigger share of our time. Are you thinking of Facebook? Think again, because that’s old news. Reports show that teenagers have now grown bored of this once-dominating social networking giant.
Pinterest has recently taken to the stage, and almost centre at that. Its concept is simple: you like the look of something, you pin that photo on your Pinboard. Find someone whose taste is inspiring? You can follow them for updates on what sparks their interest and in turn, yours too. 
From a business’ point of view, it’s a way to engage with the community in a visually pleasing manner. Not only is it easy, it’s time and cost effective. With users being able to select their own interests, Pinterest enables businesses to access their target market. It doesn’t matter what niche it is, Pinterest can deliver to consumers what they want, and when they want it.
Now that Pinterest has almost caught up with Twitter in terms of Internet users (15% vs. 16%), it’s a plus that Pinterest integrates with other social media platforms, namely Facebook and Twitter. This means that businesses can reach an immense audience in a short space of time, promoting their products through images and words.
Finally, companies can use tools such as Pinfluencer and Pinreach to gauge what works for their customers. Seeing what gets repinned and shared is a great way to get insight on what content they want to see, letting you know if you need to adjust your strategy. 
Convinced yet? You should be. Our Pinterest page has material desired by a varied audience. Weird and Wonderful things? Got it. Home and Garden products from our website? Wouldn’t dream of leaving it out. Come view our Facebook and Twitter pages to check out our interaction!

Search Tags: pinterest, social media, business tips

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